Making my television series I've been to over 100 lodges and hunting clubs, and loved (almost) every minute of those visits. At a few I've been dazzled and delighted ... every single second was memorable: from habitat to a chance for my dogs to excel, hard-flying birds, to camaraderie of friends and family, to excellent customer service to value for a hard-earned buck.
I've been back to most of them, and hope to visit the others again soon. Sitting around a kitchen table (or bellied up to the bar!) most lodge operators tell me they would love to show off their place to more of you. So, here's their chance ... and here's your chance, to learn more. If you're one of the 80 percent of followers who have been or hope to go to a hunting lodge, here are my hand-picked suggestions, starting appropriately enough with the destination for the debut episode of Wingshooting USA. Maybe I'll see you there.
- Scott
We started the entire Wingshooting USA TV journey at Ravenwood Lodge ... then had to come back a few months later because Outdoor Channel wanted us to pioneer high definition there!
Friends, family, and a bunch of gratifying public-service events later, I'm proud to share Ravenwood as the first of our Preferred Lodges. Watch the video and see if you don't agree that it's got what you're looking for!
Call Ken Corbet at 1-800-656-2454 or drop him an email:
Take it from television's worst wingshooter ... these tips might help you hit more birds. If nothing else has worked, you're in a jam, gotta look good for your hunting buddies, one of the 90 suggestion in this e-booklet might help.