Start here for advice on how to find bird hunting spots: public, private, and everything in between. Find walk-in bird hunting, wildlife areas and other options. Where to hunt? Right here!
Ready to grow as a hunter? Learning where to hunt is Step One. Then, want to learn how to hunt? Or are you just looking for that one helpful tip? Here's the place to start to succeed in the field.
Once you find a bird hunting spot, your dog is your most important partner. Where to hunt? Your dog knows! Here are training tips, care and feeding advice and more.
Plan ahead - next season is almost here. What if you could find brand-new public access hunting spots? Watch this preview of my online webinar (just $5.00) and see if it might help you. Get the entire webinar here.
PS: Want more educational videos, tips, tricks and tactics? Go here.
Want more shooting tips? Here's 90 of them in my new e-booklet:
Jim Van Engen's Right Start Kennel has cranked out almost 200 field trial champions thanks to his unique specialty: the first two years of a dog's life. He'll outline his overall philosophy, as well as practical tips on everything from managing a dog's range to introducing gunfire. We'll cover retrieving and steadiness, verbal commands and e-collar use, too. We'll review listeners' dog breed preferences from the Upland Nation Index survey, and "Fix It" offers a shooting tactic that might add a bird to your bag once in a while. And it's all brought to you by: Sage & Braker Mercantile, Pointer shotguns, @midwayusa, #midwayusa, Midway USA, Mid Valley Clays and Shooting School, TrulockChokes, HiViz shooting systems, Purina Pro Plan Sport and You can listen to all the podcasts here.
Why this website? Find bird hunting spots ... sounds easy, but it's more complicated than the statement above, with a lot of moving parts. But it's also absolutely true. Lack of accessible land is the biggest reason many of us quit hunting or never start in the first place. My hope is this website will help - because without hunters, there is virtually no conservation.
But that's not all ... there's the country's most widely-distributed upland hunting TV show, a podcast, educational video library, and weekly newsletter full of fun and information (sign up below).
- Scott Linden
Take it from television's worst wingshooter ... these tips might help you hit more birds. If nothing else has worked, you're in a jam, gotta look good for your hunting buddies, one of the 90 suggestion in this e-booklet might help.